Student Blogs

The First Two Weeks

June 20th, 2014 malutt15

I’m two weeks into my internship at Scholastic, and so far, things are going great! I’ve been quite busy both in and out of work. I’ll provide an update on the cool things I’m doing outside the office shortly, but first, here are the highlights of my first week at Scholastic:

  • Tomorrow, June 21st, the Scholastic Store in SoHo will be hosting a event called Clifford’s Beach Party. Last Friday, a promo for that event aired on a local news channel. A few days beforehand, I got to go to the NY1 studios and help with the filming. I prepared Clifford for his appearance and tossed beach balls to him from off-screen! I also met Shelley Goldberg, who hosts NY1’s parenting segment and is something of a local celebrity.


  • Also last week, Scholastic announced that they’ll be teaming up with Netflix to revive the Magic School Bus. A new computer-animated program called The Magic School Bus 360° will appear in 2016. I personally could not be more excited about this – I watched the original show religiously as a child, and am seriously considering buying a subscription to Netflix for the sole purpose of watching the new version. Part of my job is to examine media outlets and see which ones have picked up this story (and other stories about Scholastic). Newspapers, blogs, radio stations, TV news outlets – there are a lot of other people as excited about the Magic School Bus as I am.


  • Finally, my Bookprint – a list of the five books that have most influence my life – appeared yesterday on Scholastic’s On Our Minds (OOM) blog. You can read it here. Creating your Bookprint is a sort of tradition for new Scholastic employees; they’ve done it with many celebrities too. I hope to generate more content for OOM in the coming weeks.


That about sums it up! Now that I’m settled into a rhythm with my life in New York, I hope to blog here more frequently. Hopefully I’ll see you next week.

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